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Serge Demeyer / Publication (Details)

Last updated on Thursday, November 16, 2023

  author =        {Keller, Anne and Serge Demeyer},
  booktitle =     {Emerging Technologies for the Evolution and
                   Maintenance of Software Models},
  editor =        {J\"org Rech and Christian Bunse},
  pages =         {32 -- 56},
  publisher =     {IGI Global},
  title =         {Change Impact Analysis for {UML} Model Maintenance},
  year =          {2012},
  abstract =      {Software maintenance is generally considered to be
                   the most costly phase in the software life-cycle. The
                   software system to be maintained consists of numerous
                   inter-dependent artifacts that inevitably undergo
                   various changes during maintenance. What makes
                   planning and executing these changes difficult is
                   that each change may have severe ``ripple effects''
                   to other points of the system that are difficult to
                   assess due to the inter-dependent nature of the
                   artifacts. The goal of this chapter is to introduce a
                   lightweight and accurate change impact analysis
                   technique for UML models. Impact analysis rules are
                   created that trace different relationships between
                   UML model elements depending on the type of change
                   applied. We will show that we can achieve good
                   accuracy. To validate the technique, a change
                   scenario that consists of changes that occur during
                   the resolution of inconsistencies between different
                   UML models (correc- tive maintenance) was chosen. The
                   validation is performed on two case studies, which
                   together contain approximately 5686 UML model element
                   instances on which 3287 inconsistencies are resolved.
                   The validation of the two case studies returns a mean
                   precision and recall of (0.77, 0.95) and (0.97,
  annote =        {bookchapter},
  doi =           {10.4018/978-1-61350-438-3.ch002},

Serge Demeyer | Publications | E-mail Feedback